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Principal Investigator

MD Anwarul Hasan, PhD, PEng

Dr. MD Anwarul Hasan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Qatar University. Prior to joining his current position, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. He was also a visiting Assistant Professor at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology at the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA during 2014 to 2017. Dr. Hasan was an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard Medical School and MIT during 2012-2013. He obtained his PhD from the University of Alberta, Canada in 2010 and worked at the Alberta Innovates Technology Futures in Edmonton, Canada and Champion Technologies LTD in Calgary, Alberta, Canada during 2010-2011.

Dr Anwarul Hasan has more than 200 peer reviewed publications including over 100 journal articles and numerous conference proceeding papers. His published research article has been widely covered by international media including Global TV, City TV, and CBC Canada among many. Dr. Hasan is a winner of more than sixteen national and international awards. He has also served as a Senate member, elected Vice President of Graduate Students Association and a member of numerous University committees including Chancellor Search Committee, Dean of Students Search, VP External search, and Chair of Mechanical Engineering Search committees at the University of Alberta. Dr Hasan's current research interests involve Diabetic wound healing, cancer biochip, 3D Bioprinting and Covid-19 diagnostics. As part of the recognition of Dr Hasan's research, he has been awarded a total of more than ten million QAR in terms of research grants from Qatar Foundation, Qatar University and various grant funding organizations.

Selected Awards and Scholarships


  • Career Award at Scientific Interface, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, USA (Semi finalist), 2013
  • NSERC Academic post doctoral fellowship, 2011-2013
  • Alberta Innovates Industry Associate Award, 2011-2013
  • NSERC Industrial Research and Development Fellowship Award 2011-2013
  • Citizenship Scholarship for Student Leadership, Provincial Govt of Alberta, 2009
  • NSERC-JSPS Fellowship for Summer Research in Japan, June-August 2008
  • Nanotechnology PhD award of Alberta Ingenuity Fund, Canada, 2007 to 2010
  • Alberta Ingenuity PhD scholarship, Alberta, Canada, 2006 to 2010
  • Alberta Lung Association PhD Award, Alberta, Canada, 2005-2006
  • FS Chia award, University of Alberta, Canada, 2005-2006, duration-2 years.
  • Kongju National University Graduate scholarship, South Korea, 2003, 2 years.
  • AAEB (Association of American Engineers Bangladesh) scholarship in 1999
  • Merit Scholarship on BUET term final result, 1999-2000, duration 1 semester
  • Merit Scholarship on BUET term final result, 1998-99, duration 1 semester
  • Proshika nationwide scholarship, year 2002
  • H.S.C. examination Govt. scholarship, 1996, duration-4 years
  • S.S.C. examination Govt. scholarship, 1994, duration-2 years


Current Lab Members
Engr. Alap achieved his MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from Qatar University, Qatar. After completing MSc, he started working as a Research Assistant in the Tissue Engineering Lab under the supervision of Dr. Anwarul Hasan at Qatar University, Qatar. Before joining the Tissue Engineering Lab he worked as a Visiting Research Scholar in Advanced Multiphase Flow Loop Lab at Texas A&M University in Qatar. He has extensively worked in the multiphase flow loop system and published the SPE Journal article. His research focus is the additive manufacturing, biocomposites, synthesis and fabrication of hydrogel/nanofiber-based scaffolds and microfluidics.
Syed Raza ur Rehman has recently graduated from Qatar University, with an M.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has been working as a research assistant for the last two and a half years in Biomedical Research Center(BRC) at QU, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Anwarul Hasan. His thesis, entitled “Reduced Graphene Oxide nanoparticle incorporated GelMA hydrogel to enhance angiogenesis for wound healing application”, is being done. Before working in QU, he has also worked in the petroleum-engineering lab of Texas A&M University Qatar, under supervision of Dr. Aziz Rehman. He has extensively worked in the multiphase flow loop system and biomedical research center and published articles in international journals. He has expertise in cell culture experiments, in fabrication techniques of different biopolymers, and their characterization methods.
Robin Augustine joined Prof. Hasan’s laboratory in October 2017 as a postdoctoral fellow, and he is currently working in multiple projects focusing on the development of multifunctional biomaterials for diabetic wound healing, tissue engineering and to use as engineered disease models. Robin obtained his BSc in Biology (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry) from Calicut University, Kerala, India (2005-2008). Then, he obtained a Master’s degree (MSc) in Bio-Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University (VHNSNC), Tamilnadu, India (2010), where he investigated the effect of silver nanoparticles on sutures as antibacterial agents and the anticancer activity of plant extracts. Robin completed his PhD degree in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology under the supervision of Prof. Sabu Thomas and Prof. Nandakumar Kalarikkal at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India (2014). His Ph.D project focused on the development of electrospun polymeric wound coverage materials with antibacterial, angiogenic and wound healing properties. Soon after his PhD, Robin received a competitive fellowship (The PBC Fellowship Program for Outstanding Chinese and Indian Post-Doctoral Fellows) for a postdoctoral training at Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa (2014-16). There, he worked on an interesting project to improve the intestinal uptake and bioavailability of antiretroviral drugs using various nano/micro formulation strategies. In 2016, he received a postdoctoral fellowship from government of India (National Postdoctoral Fellowship, NPDF) to join National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC), Kerala, India. In NITC, he explored the ability of various metal oxide nanoparticles to act at molecular level to promote cell proliferation, angiogenesis and wound healing. He has many publications in international journals, books and conference proceedings in his credit which can be accessed from his Google scholar profile ( Overall, Robin has gained a solid experience in a variety of areas of research owing to work in diverse research environments, and he aims to utilize his skills and abilities to make advancement in the field of biomaterials and bioengineering. Robin’s office is located in the 1st floor, B09 building, College of Engineering. Feel free to communicate with him for any questions directly or through
"Rashid Ahmed is working as a research assistant on QNRF funded project aimed to develop a microchip platform for early diagnosis of breast and prostate cancer at Qatar University Doha. His main research interests/areas include Bionanotechnology, Onconanomedicine, Tissue engineering, Cell imaging and Spatial gene mapping. He won a gold medal during his master program and is expected to complete his PhD soon. He has more than twelve years of teaching experience at undergraduate level in higher education department Pakistan."
Abdulla Al Mamun is a recent graduate in the department of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bolton. He joined Dr. MD Anwarul Hasan's team on October 2019. His working interest involves study of material science, designing, simulations (FEA & CFD), maintenance work and marketing. His hobbies include travelling, web design, reading books, and playing guitar. He is looking for design / maintenance opportunities in Qatar and abroad for a sponsored Masters Programme.
Previous Lab Members
Hiba Kobeissi is a graduate of the American University of Beirut with a BE in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Biomedical Engineering. She is currently a research assistant at AUB and is interested in pursuing her graduate studies in the biomedical field.
John Saliba is a Masters student leading to PhD program in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at the American University of Beirut. John graduated from the Lebanese University in 2013, holding a Masters in Biomedical Engineering with a concentration on BioMEMS. His thesis was on the Mechanical properties of ultrathin porous silicon. John worked as a special educator and high school teacher for one year before joining the Nano Micro Technology and Tissue Engineering Lab. John has to 2 conference papers in BioMEMS and Tissue Engineering. His research interests encompasses BioMEMS technology, tissue engineering and biomaterials sciences.
"Graduated from American University of Beirut in June 2013 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering (design/manufacturing/materials track). Current graduate student at the American University of Beirut, pursuing a master's degree in mechanical engineering. Interests in biomechanics, physical education, sports."
"I graduated from the AUB with a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in 2009. I have recently (2014) started pursuing my Masters in Mechanical Engineering. In the mean time, I worked as a Mechanical Engineer for an Oil and Gas company in the Gulf. I am interested in Biology and Physics. I also like to read books (fiction and biographies/memoirs). Also, I like to travel when time permits. "
" My name is Fatima El-Hajj and I graduated from Lebanese University in 2013 with a Bachelors degree in physics. Currently, I am a masters student in the biomedical physics program at Lebanese University. I have been working in Dr Hasan's lab as a research assistant for my Masters thesis in the biomedical field. "
" I’m Nour AL Rifai ,a master 2 student in Medical Physics at the Lebanese University first branch .I’m graduated from the Lebanese university in 2013 ,holding a bachelor in physics .I’m interested in doing my PhD in Radiotherapy and Dosimetry . Doing a good research for helping people is always the better choice. "
My name is Adnan Arnaout, I'm a third year mechanical engineering student at the American University of Beirut, minoring in Engineering Management and interested in doing my masters in Biomedical Engineering.
"I am a third-year undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering at the American University of Beirut, aiming to pursue my studies in Biomedical Engineering. I am particularly interested in astronomy, philosophy, sciences and I love music and sports especially basketball and skiing."
"I'm Alexandre Doumet, a senior mechanical engineering student at the American University of Beirut and a programming passionate. I am minoring in philosophy."
" I am a 4th year Mechanical Engineer at AUB. I like sports even though I don’t have time for them. I am interested especially in thermodynamics. I look forward to working with Md. AnwarulHasan’s team. "
"My name is Joseph Kassab. I'm a fourth year mechanical engineering student at the American University of Beirut. I am also minoring in creative writing. I am part of the AUB track team."
"I am a 4th year mechanical engineer in the American University of Beirut, currently working on my final year project in the biomedical field. My interests and hobbies outside my major are mainly international affairs and politics and culinary arts. "
Lab Web Designer & Admin
"I am Md. Sabir Hossain, a fourth-year student at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), a leading university of Bangladesh. I'm in Computer Science & Engineering department. I'm expert in Web designing and web developing using HTML,PHP,CSS,JavaScript,ASP.NET,Jquery etc. whatever else it needed. I'm doing my final year thesis on Digital Image Processing (Image Compression). To know more
Recent Alumni
Alaa HILAL is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. He obtained his PhD in Biomedical Engineering and in Optimization and System’s Dependability from the University of Technology of Troyes, France and from the Lebanese University, Lebanon. His thesis research was on developing iris identification systems. Dr. Alaa HILAL has 10 peer reviewed papers including 4 journal articles and 6 conference proceedings papers. His domain of research interests includes Tissue Engineering, Image/Video Processing and Biometrics.
Malek Sayegh is a fourth-year student at Hamilton College studying Mathematics with a strong background in chemistry and neuroscience. Interests in music production, philosophy, and sports.
Johny Rmeily is a second year Mechanical Engineering student at the American University of Beirut, pursuing a minor in Biomedical Engineering.
Anthony Zlaket is an Honors undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering in Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University. As a rising sophomore, Anthony is a student NCAA athlete that is at the same time a swimmer and a Hip-Hop dancer. He is also involved in research programs, fraternities and Greek life, Honors societies, Mentoring Programs, Changemaker Central, American English and Culture Program, Residential Hall Association and the National Biomedical Engineering Society. Besides, Anthony is currently representing engineering students as a Senator for Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering through the Undergraduate Student Government. His research interests and his honors thesis are about Space Biomedical Engineering based on NASA scholar programs. He is also the chair of the University Affairs Committee, a First LEGO league judge, a Grand Challenge Scholar and a National Society of Collegiate Scholar and serve in the University Boards and Committees such as the Veterans Advocacy and Affairs Committee.