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Nano Micro Technologies and Tissue Engineering Lab

Welcome to the Nano Micro Technologies and Tissue Engineering Lab homepage. Our group focuses on problems motivated by various human diseases. We are interested in application of nano micro scale technologies in understanding the structure, properties and behavior of complex systems, thereby solving real-life industrial, biomedical and human health related problems.

The focus of research in our lab is broadly in four main areas, namely, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Microfluidics and Tissue Engineering. We are particularly interested in tissue engineering and in vitro disease models of blood vessels, heart valves and articular cartilage. Our current projects include:

01. Nano mechanics of cardiovascular tissues,

02. Development of vascular disease models on chips,

03. Development of Novel Biomaterials for cardiovascular tissue engineering, and

04. Heart Valve Tissue Engineering.


    "Our research interests involve applying the nano micro scale technologies in understanding the structure, properties and behavior of complex systems, thereby solving real life industrial, biomedical and human health related problems."

    -Anwarul hasan